Empowerment Beyond Scars Redefines Healing

“Catalyzed by my own personal experience, Empowerment Beyond Scars exists to transform pain into power. It’s about granting other survivors the opportunity to rewrite their narratives, revealing the beauty and strength that have always resided within, waiting to be reclaimed.”

Brandi Gregge, MSN, FNP-BC

Founder of Empowerment Beyond Scars

Our Mission

At Empowerment Beyond Scars, we recognize that the impact of scars goes far deeper than the surface. Our mission is to pioneer a world where scars, both seen and unseen, become narratives of strength and resilience, powered by the artistry of medical aesthetics. With unwavering commitment to our core values of compassion, inclusivity, and solidarity, we are dedicated to nurturing a community where survivors of gender-based violence rediscover their strength and reclaim their power.

Our approach is personal, clinical, and compassionate, reflecting our sincere commitment to healing. We aim to educate, engage, and raise awareness, transcending scars to empower survivors. Together, we’re rewriting the stories of resilience, one scar at a time.

About Our Founder

Brandi Gregge, MSN, FNP-BC, believes each one of us has beautiful physical attributes, and aesthetic medicine should be about enhancing what we have to allow us to feel more confident.

Since 2019, Brandi has owned and operated Mint & Needle, a medical aesthetics practice in Delaware that focuses on regenerative solutions and natural aesthetic appearances. Armed with both a B.S. in kinesiology and nursing, as well as an MSN and MBA, Brandi leveraged her business acumen and 10+ years of medical and aesthetic experience as a nurse practitioner to establish her company. She created a rigorous internal residency in which all Mint & Needle injectors must pass before working with patients, in addition to completing ongoing education throughout their career.

Passionate about helping men and women meet their health and aesthetics goals, Brandi is also a national influencer and a speaker and trainer for Cartessa Aesthetics, Merz and Allergan, the largest aesthetic pharmaceutical companies in the world.

Brandi has been featured in Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam, Philadelphia Style, and Delaware Today, among others.

How We Promote Healing

Empowerment Beyond Scars harnesses medical aesthetics to empower and assist survivors of interpersonal, relationship-based violence as they work to heal their physical and emotional scars. By partnering with other nonprofits, agencies, and individuals working to stop domestic violence, as well as with medical providers and healthcare industry leaders, we are able to direct resources to those who need them most.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, a significant number of women and men experience physical violence from their intimate partners. It’s something that can happen to anyone, but it tends to affect those who are more dependent, like women, children, and the elderly, at a higher rate.

In 2021, The Safety in Beauty Campaign shared data showing an increase in people reaching out for free or charitable assistance with aesthetic procedures related to domestic violence. This is where Empowerment Beyond Scars seeks to make the biggest difference. Medical aesthetics uses minimally invasive procedures to promote healing, rejuvenation, and overall improvement in appearance. This boost in confidence helps individuals feel more at ease as they move forward in their lives.

Make a Gift

Your gift supports patients and families as they heal their scars, both visible and hidden. 

Empowerment Beyond Scars provides financial support for individuals who have experienced interpersonal, relationship-based violence — your gift will help support their care journey. Your support allows patients to focus on the most important thing, their health.

Empowerment Beyond Scars may receive financial gifts and/or gifts of securities. Some families may benefit from donating investment securities to the foundation. These donations may take the form of a standard donation or a qualified charitable donation (QCD). Investors (of any age) that hold a security for at least a year may itemize the fair market value of the stock an income tax deduction. If 70½ or older, you may be eligible to make a qualified charitable distribution as well.


A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a tax-free donation from your individual retirement account (IRA) to a qualified charity. Benefits of qualified charitable distributions include a reduction in taxable income and the donation counts towards mandatory required minimum distributions from retirement accounts. The qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is an important tool that allow donors age 70½ or older help charities of their choice and reduce their tax burden while providing a benefit to others.


Eligible donors may contact the foundation at info@empowermentbeyondscars.org for additional details/instructions on the donation process.

Get Involved

Empowerment Beyond Scars, guided by its core values of compassion, inclusivity, and solidarity, looks to foster a supportive community where survivors can reclaim their power.

By working together, our organization will transform the lives of survivors and rewrite the narrative surrounding scars. We invite medical professionals, legislators, charitable foundations, survivors of gender-based violence, and all those who support this cause to join in its mission.

Join our email list to receive the latest news and updates.

Need Help Now?

You are not alone. If you or someone you know is a victim of physical or emotional abuse or neglect, please call the U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or visit www.thehotline.org.